Saturday, April 01, 2006


Gas to see quotes from people I know from home in the paper. The woman interviwed at the end, Eilish O Callaghan, owns a shop & bar across the street from our place.

Callaghan's is a great spot. I love bringing out-of-towners there. You can buy a loaf of bread, tea, mousetraps, a pint, a few cuts of ham and a bridle for your horse.

Eilish is a gas woman. She's always getting me and my younger brother, Karl mixed up. I wouldn't mind but Karl's a bit taller than me (not a hard thing to be) and isn't quite as good looking (who is?). Everytime I go in it's - hi, Karl and I haven't the heart to correct her.

One night I went into Callaghan's for milk or bread or a transport-box or the Third Secret of Fatima or something.
- Hi Karl.
- Hi Eilish.
- It is Karl, isn't?
- Actually, it's John.
- Oh John. I can never get it right. John, John, John, John, John.
I put the ham or the eggs or the Child of Prague on the counter and pay - goodnight, Eilish.
- Goodnight, Karl.


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